Aug 2015
Police Misconduct Report: 8-10 to 8-14, 2015
Sexual Misconduct
Involving Children
Monday, August 10, 2015
Clarke, Georgia
The department released the footage of a now-former officer assaulting a University of Georgia student during an arrest.
Minatare, Nebraska
The now-former chief was fined $2,000 and lost his law enforcement certification for submitting falsified training documents.
Christiansburg, Virginia
An officer pled no contest to seven of twelve embezzlement charges. In exchange for the plea, the other five charges were dropped. He will be sentenced in roughly 90 days.
Harris County, Texas
Deputies strip-searched a woman during a traffic stop because they were looking for marijuana. She will file a complaint.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
An officer was shown on camera running motorcyclist and a passenger off the road.
Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana
A now-former deputy was sentenced to 18 months in prison for letting an inmate out of custody to buy drugs. The inmate did not return but was subsequently captured.
Dorchester County, South Carolina
A deputy was arrested for DUI after being found in a ditch near a wrecked vehicle.
Dupont, Pennsylvania
The police chief was ordered to surrender his firearms because a woman filed a protective order against him.
Baltimore, Maryland
A judge dismissed civil suit against four officers who fatally shot fellow officer William Torbit, who fatally shot an armed person during a disturbance while he was in plainclothes.
King City, California
The now-former chief pled no contest to embezzlement and obstruction charges after his first trial ended with a hung jury.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Omaha, Nebraska
An officer was arrested for domestic assault.
Lawton, Oklahoma
An officer was arrested for driving to work drunk.
Honolulu, Hawaii
An officer was charged with assault for an incident caught on camera.
Decatur, Alabama
An officer was cleared after an internal investigation. He fired a gun at an unarmed man while serving an arrest warrant in the man’s home.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Talladega, Alabama
An officer and K9 unit have been suspended while they are under prosecutorial investigation for improper and excessive dog bites.
Allentown, Pennsylvania
A man files suit alleging he was assaulted by police for recording them.
Albany County, New York
A sergeant resigned after sending sexually explicit texts to a teenage girl.
North Randall, Ohio
A now-former officer was arrested for making straw gun purchases for felons while employed by the department.
Denver, Colorado
An officer was arrested for domestic violence.
Dallas, Texas
An officer was arrested for DWI in the town of Wylie.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Wayne County, Ohio
A deputy resigned amid allegations he used excessive force against a mentally ill woman. Video was released that showed him drag her by her ankles when she was uncooperative. He was subsequently hired as a Holmes County deputy.
Larimer County, Colorado
A deputy was arrested for domestic violence and child abuse.
Chelsea, Massachusetts
An officer was arrested for repeatedly striking handcuffed suspect and attempting to cover it up.
Webster, Texas
An officer was found not guilty of official oppression. Two other officers await trial for the 2013 incident in which they were alleged to have used excessive force against a man who had a gun.
Nassau County, Florida
A deputy was arrested and fired for assaulting a jail inmate.
Lee County, Florida
A corporal resigned during an investigation into claims he falsely billed a business for work he didn’t do.