Jun 2015
Police Misconduct Report: 5-25 to 5-29, 2015
Sexual Misconduct
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Baltimore, Maryland
An officer was charged with stealing $3,000 in a federal sting.
South Bend, Indiana
An officer was charged with federal civil rights violations for punching an inmate in 2010.
Sevier County, Tennessee
A deputy was fired and indicted for misconduct for having sex on duty with a woman after responding to a 911 call.
Bexar County, Texas
A deputy was arrested for domestic violence.
Orange County, California
A deputy was arrested for charges related to illegal possession of prescription medication.
Douglasville, Georgia
The police chief was suspended during an investigation into allegations he used excessive force during a traffic stop.
San Antonio, Texas
A 25-year veteran officer was arrested for DUI.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Polk County, Florida
A lieutenant was arrested for indecent exposure.
Springfield, Missouri
An officer won’t be charged for fatally shooting an unarmed man. The officer said he thought man reached for a weapon.
King County, Washington
A deputy who worked at Sea-Tac airport was fired for a number of violations in one incident. He was found passed out drunk at the helm of a boat and he had left his firearm unattended on shore. When confronted by responding officers, he assaulted them.
Christian County, Missouri
The sheriff resigned after he pled guilty to embezzling county funds. He was sentenced to one year and one day.
s County, Maryland
An officer was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for a shooting at fast food restaurant. One man died in the incident and the officer’s ex-wife was injured.
Miami Springs, Florida
An officer was arrested for extortion. He allegedly aided someone he thought to be a drug trafficker who was an undercover FBI agent.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Newark, New Jersey
An officer was arrested for embezzling $30,000 from the police union.
Mission, Texas
An investigator was arrested for misdemeanor DWI after running her vehicle onto the sidewalk when she was pulled over.
Sarpy County, Nebraska
A longtime deputy was fired and sentenced to one year’s probation, 200 hours of community service for inappropriately touching woman off duty. He claims he was blackout drunk at the time of the incident.
Dexter, New Mexico
A police chief was placed on leave by the mayor. There is an ongoing state police investigation into his alleged sexual harassment women around town.
Edmonston, Maryland
The police chief faces criminal charges for alleged ticket fixing.
Dundee, Michigan
The police chief was arrested for domestic violence at his home.
Friday, May 29, 2015
New York, New York
An officer who had been caught repeatedly lying to Internal Affairs had evidence tossed from a felony drug and gun case. The judge ruled that the multiple instances of proven dishonesty rendered his work and testimony not credible.
Detroit, Michigan
An officer was accused of assault. She has previously been arrested for domestic and alcohol-related incidents.
Barstow, California
Officers tackled and arrested a pregnant woman after she refused to show identification. According to the ACLU statement quoted in the report, “A person who is not suspected of a crime has no obligation to identify herself. Even if an officer is conducting an investigation, in California (unlike some other states), he can’t just require a person to provide ID for no reason. The officer can ask for ID, but the person can say no.”
South Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania
Three officers were suspended and demoted for undisclosed misconduct.